WILLed contains articles that are authored by members of the ALFN's Women in Legal Leadership (WILL) group.  These articles focus directly on the issues that impact women, with a focus on empowering women by providing the educational tools they need to be leaders.  Contact the WILL editorial committee if you are interested in authoring an article in an upcoming publication at willeditorialboard@alfn.org.  Publications are distributed quarterly in digital format in February, April, July, and November.  Each publication is available in digital-only format as an e-publication, distributed to the ALFN's industry list of 5000+ contacts, made available on the ALFN events mobile app at all ALFN events, published on ALFN social media pages, and available on the ALFN website.  Printed copies are not made available as ALFN is committed to practices that protect our environment. 
WILLed Submission Guidelines
To contribute to the WILLed, members can submit articles or ideas to srosen@alfn.org. Click here to review our submission guidelines. All WILLed issues are distributed in digital-only format as an e-publication. Contact srosen@alfn.org for contribution or other inquiries about the WILLed.

Purchase an Ad in WILLed

Full Page Ad

 - Single Issue | $1,000
 - Purchase all Four Issues | $2,400 (discounted to $600 per issue for a year commitment)

Half Page Ad

 - Single Issue | $600
 - Purchase all Four Issues | $1,200 (discounted to $300 per issue for a year commitment)

Member Spotlight
Includes a two-page spread in one WILLed publication featuring the member firm/company.  One month promotional spotlight on ALFN.org with homepage Banner Ad and a featured placement in one WILLed email.
 - Single Issue | $2,500

 - Purchase all Four Issues | $5,000 (discounted to $1,250 per issue for a year commitment)

For additional advertising opportunities in WILLed, please contact Susan Rosen at srosen@alfn.org.

WILL Editorial Sub-Committee Co-Chairs

Michelle Gilbert
Gilbert Garcia Group

Krys Delk
Steele LLc