Event Planning

This committee assists in the planning of ALFN events, and providing content suggestions and reviewing session topic submissions that are received, to then present to ALFN Leadership for approval.  Members of the committee develop innovative marketing strategies to increase the recognition and industry support of ALFN's existing educational/training programs, and collaborate to determine appropriate messaging and marketing campaigns. The committee responsibilities also include assisting with servicer invitations and confirming servicer attendance at ALFN events, assisting with sponsorship solicitations and donations for any auction items (where auctions are involved), inviting other members and colleagues to attend events, and acting in an advisory capacity to ALFN Leadership when requested on any other event planning activities.  This committee also suggests topics and content for ALFN webinar presentations.  In addition, committee members will help develop additional ALFN Onsite (or Online) training programs for mortgage servicers.  The group meets quarterly and may schedule additional calls as necessary.

Click here to join this group (website login required).
Event Planning Leadership Team:

  • Chair (Attorney-Trustee or Associate Member, can be an Attorney or non-Attorney)
    • Andrea Tromberg, Esq. – Tromberg, Morris & Partners, PLLC – atromberg@tmppllc.com (term ends 12/31/25, then moves to Chair Emeritus until 12/31/26)
  • Vice Chair (Attorney-Trustee or Associate Member, can be an Attorney or non-Attorney)
    • Julia Keys – Orlans PC – jkeys@orlans.com (term ends 12/31/25, then moves to Chair for a 2-year term that ends 12/31/27)
  • Servicer Chair (or 2 Co-Chairs) (Servicer/GSE, can be an Attorney or non-Attorney)
    • Courtney Milewski – M&T Bank – clmilewski@mtb.com (term ends 12/31/25, may be re-appointed for another 2-year term)
  • Chair Emeritus (Immediate Past Chair) (Attorney-Trustee or Associate Member, can be an Attorney or non-Attorney)
    • Vacant Seat (term ends 12/31/25)
Appointed Leadership Positions (Not Members of the Committees Leadership Team. Appointed by the Committees Leadership Team):
  • Secretary (Attorney-Trustee or Associate member, can be an Attorney or non-Attorney)
    • Jackie Vazquez – O.L.A.F. – jvazquez@olafcompanies.com (term ends 12/31/25, may be re-appointed for another 2-year term or may run for leadership team after either term ends)
  • Client Outreach Subcommittee - 2 Co-Chairs (Attorney-Trustee or Associate member, can be an Attorney or Non-Attorney)
    • Brian Vaughn - McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce - Brian.vaughn@mccalla.com (term ends 12/31/25, may be re-appointed for another 2-year term or may run for leadership team after either term ends)
    • Jeremy Lipford - Korde & Associates - jslipford@kordeassociates.com (term ends 12/31/25, may be re-appointed for another 2-year term or may run for leadership team after either term ends) 
  • Content Subcommittee – 2 Co-Chairs (Attorney-Trustee or Associate member, can be an Attorney or Non-Attorney)(1 Co-Chair must be an Attorney-Trustee member, and must be an Attorney)
    • Krys Delk - In-transition - krys.delk@gmail.com (term ends 12/31/25, may be re-appointed for another 2-year term or may run for leadership team after either term ends)
    • Megan McNamara - Friedman Vartolo - mmcnamara@friedmanvartolo.com (term ends 12/31/25, may be re-appointed for another 2-year term or may run for leadership team after either term ends)

ALFN Staff Liaison
Susan Rosen

Andrea Tromberg, Esq.
Tromberg, Morris & Partners, PLLC


Vice Chair
Julia Keys

Orlans PC