Padgett Law Group Reshapes Business Advancement & Client Support Unit, Adds Second Executive to Team
- By: ALFN
- On: 10/01/2019 14:15:23
- In: Member Update
[Atlanta, GA | Tuesday, October 1, 2019] Padgett Law Group (PLG) announced that industry veteran Joel Winters has joined the firm's newly expanded business advancement and client support unit. Winters joins Kawanna Buggs whose role was recently refocused from bankruptcy operations to overseeing quality assurance to meet specific client standards and development needs.
Joel Winters Joins Kawanna Buggs in Expanded PLG Business Advancement & Client Support Unit[Atlanta, GA | Tuesday, October 1, 2019] Padgett Law Group (PLG) announced that industry veteran Joel Winters has joined the firm's newly expanded business advancement and client support unit. Winters joins Kawanna Buggs whose role was recently refocused from bankruptcy operations to overseeing quality assurance to meet specific client standards and development needs. Winters and Buggs will jointly focus on growing the firm's client base, deepening client relations and overseeing quality care, as well as bringing other PLG products and services to market, such as the firm's national bankruptcy practice and investor/servicer-focused technology platforms.
Winters comes to PLG with over a decade of experience in business development and marketing for creditors' rights law firms with a specialized focus on title, real estate-owned, mortgage servicing, and institutional banking and lending clients.
“Joel's background and his focus at PLG will give the firm a comprehensive business advancement and client support unit devoted to meeting the needs of our growing client base. We're excited about the combined talents of Joel and Kawanna as they work to maintain the quality and client care across the firm's business lines while introducing new clients to PLG's unique level of service,” said CEO Timothy D. Padgett, Esq.
Robyn Padgett, Chief Development Officer, added, “What we have with Joel and Kawanna is a fully realized client support team that not only adds strength and diversity to our client portfolio but also keeps two fingers on the pulse of our client relationships as they develop over time.”
Winters is based out of Jacksonville, FL while Buggs remains based out of the firm's Tampa, FL office. Winters can be reached at and Buggs can be reached at