Announcing Wilson + Miller, PLLC: Combination of Legal Industry Powerhouses
- By: ALFN
- On: 08/08/2018 15:21:33
- In: Member Update
Jennifer Wilson-Harvey and Stan Miller are excited to announce the formation of Wilson + Miller, PLLC, an Estate and Elder Law firm which will ultimately provide services nationwide in a retail environment.
Jennifer Wilson-Harvey and Stan Miller are excited to announce the formation of Wilson + Miller, PLLC, an Estate and Elder Law firm which will ultimately provide services nationwide in a retail environment. The business support operations will be headquartered in Little Rock and will, over time, utilize the six office locations of Wilson & Associates in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi as well as other locations.According to Ms. Wilson-Harvey, “This is an important part of our desire to diversify into consumer-oriented services utilizing the strong operational platform we have built over the last 40 years. But the power is in the partnership with an industry leader like Stan.”
For Mr. Miller, “Finally I have an ecosystem that has the resources that will enable us to create the practice I've always thought possible but has, until now, been entirely out of reach.” Mr. Miller has extensive experience in the Estate and Elder Law industry advising clients with respect to a wide range of issues relating to estate planning and elder care law. He is highly regarded in the Estate and Elder Law arena and was a co-founder of the nationwide organizations known as WealthCounsel and ElderCounsel, which are the leading providers of education and technology to the Estate and Elder law industry.
Ms. Wilson-Harvey has been involved in the real estate and mortgage banking industries through Wilson & Associates (W&A) and other related companies for 25 years and as the Managing Partner and majority shareholder of W&A since 2012. Under Jennifer's leadership of a strong, dedicated management team, W&A has become a well-established organization with deep experience in implementing process-oriented initiatives. The firm enjoys a broad client base, a state of the art technology platform, efficient back office operations and a very progressive culture.