Riley, Pope & Laney, LLC Hires Will Harris in Charlotte Office.
- By: ALFN
- On: 04/06/2021 15:59:50
- In: Member Update
William P. Harris joins Riley, Pope & Laney, LLC.
[COLUMBIA, SC| MONDAY, APRIL 5, 2021] Riley, Pope & Laney, LLC, a corporate law firm, is announcing that they have hired William P. Harris as an attorney in the third- party creditors' rights practice group. Mr. Harris is a senior attorney and will be working in the firm's Charlotte, NC office. A resident of Charlotte, Mr. Harris has extensive experience in bankruptcy representing creditors in Chapter 7,11 and 13 cases. Firm Managing Partner T. Lowndes Pope noted, “We are excited about the addition of Will to our growing bankruptcy practice”. Having been in the representation of lenders, investors and mortgage servicers for over 20 years, the firm continues to expand its representation across its regional footprint. Mr. Harris is licensed in North Carolina and Alabama and is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and the University of Alabama School of Law. For more information regarding Will Harris and Riley Pope & Laney, LLC, and their services in North Carolina and South Carolina, please go
About Riley, Pope & Laney - For over twenty years, Riley, Pope & Laney has been providing legal solutions in the southeastern United States in the areas of real estate finance, intellectual property, litigation, government relations, corporate and creditors' rights law. Headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina the firm has grown exponentially over the years and has added office locations in Charlotte, North Carolina, and more recently Charleston, South Carolina. The third-party creditors' rights practice area is lead by T. Lowndes Pope and Heidi B. Carey. The firm is active in local and state bar associations and is a member of The American Legal and Financial Network (ALFN). and to follow them on LinkedIn please see Riley Pope & Laney on LinkedIn.