Potestivo & Associates P.C., Hires Supervising Litigation Attorney
- By: ALFN
- On: 01/12/2021 12:00:14
- In: Member Update
Ms. Melissa Z. Prantzalos, Supervising Litigation Attorney
[ROCHESTER, MI| THURSDAY, January 7, 2021] Potestivo & Associates P.C., a top tier creditors' rights law firm, announced the hiring of Ms. Melissa Z. Prantzalos as Supervising Litigation attorney in the Rochester, Michigan office of the firm. A native Michigander, Ms. Prantzalos brings tangible expertise in real estate and title law litigation. With over 13 years of experience representing loan servicers, banksand other financial institutions, Ms. Prantzalos will be a strong addition to the litigation team at
Potestivo & Associates. Ms. Prantzalos is licensed in the state of Michigan and admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern and Western Districts of Michigan.
Managing Partner Brian Potestivo commented, “We are excited to bring Melissa onboard. Her depth and litigation experience in the default servicing industry adds considerable strength to our team. As always Potestivo & Associates is dedicated to diversity hiring and promotion. Although it has been a difficult year for business in both Michigan and Illinois, we are committed to the further development of our firm and continue to enhance technology and roll out new initiatives with a growth mindset for 2021”. Reflecting on 2020, Mr. Potestivo noted that the firm's recognition by the industry in the “MReport' s Top 30 Companies in Mortgage & Servicing”, where they appeared as one of only five law firms to receive the recognition, was a welcome highlight and he looks forward to 2021 with optimism.
An updated contact matrix which includes Ms. Prantzalos and all key personnel across the firm's
Michigan and Illinois footprint, is available to clients. For more information regarding Potestivo & Associates, P.C. and their services in Michigan and Illinois please contact Brian Potestivo,
About Potestivo & Associates P.C.
For over thirty years, Potestivo & Associates, P.C. has been providing superior legal solutions to the real
estate finance and credit industry. Fully operating in Chicago, Illinois, and Rochester, MI, the firm has
received numerous accolades for superior work product and community commitment. With a focus on technological enhancements and compliance, this AV-rated law firm handles all aspects of default servicing, including foreclosures, bankruptcies, title resolution, loss mitigation, and home retention services, and litigation. Potestivo & Associates, P.C. represents a variety of clients in Michigan and Illinois matters. The firm has received several local and national awards recognizing its efforts and success in client service and workplace achievement, which point to the firm's deployment of effective procedures and practices in place to achieve positive results for its mortgage servicing clients. Dedicated to professionalism and the accomplishment of timeline demands, the firm remains central to the default servicing industry. The firm is a member of The American Legal and Financial Network and The Default Attorney Group.