
Court Updates (FL, PR) - Gilbert Garcia Group

Florida & Puerto Rico Court Updates
Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles T. Canady announced on June 16th (see link below) the transition of the Florida court system to Phase 2, limited in-person contact for certain authorized purposes, with the use of protective measures. On April 20, 2020, the Chief Justice established a Workgroup on the Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After COVID-19 to develop findings and recommendations on the continuation of all court operations and proceedings statewide. The Workgroup will continue to review and make recommendations about Phase 3, with more in-person contact, and finally, Phase 4, when COVID-19 no longer presents a significant risk.
As of June 12, 2020, Puerto Rican Governor Wanda Vazquez suspended almost all restrictions in Puerto Rico due to COVID-19, though social distancing is still required. Puerto Rican courts require masks while on premises and encourage remote proceedings. Puerto Rican foreclosure cases were stayed through May 30, 2020 (see link below), though the de facto effect is likely a stay through August 31, 2020, in keeping with the moratorium placed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA and VA.
