COVID-19 Texas Bankruptcy Update
The Law Office of Michael J. Schroeder has received these updates concerning Bankruptcy Proceedings in Texas.
The Law Office of Michael J. Schroeder has received these updates concerning Bankruptcy Proceedings in Texas:
3-16-20 U.S. Trustee Program: All 341 meetings scheduled thru April 10, 2020, are continued to a future date. Such meetings may proceed if needed telephonically or other alternative means.
3-16-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District: The clerk will accept declarations at
3-17-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District: ECF users shall continue to file bankruptcy documents electronically. Others may file their documents at the clerk's emergency filing email address.
3-18-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District: The Court's General Order prohibits certain listed individuals from entering court facilities. The General Order gives security personnel the right to deny access to those not adhering to the Court's directive.
3-18-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District: This notice advises that the Plano District Courthouse is closed through April 1, 2020.
3-15-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District: The Court's General Order provides –
*All trials and hearing set between April 16, 2020 and May 1, 2020 should be continued past the latter date. All parties are encouraged to cooperate with postponements, resets, and delays.
*All preliminary hearings on pending lift stay motions will be continued to a date after May 1, 2020. The Court expects that such motions will be resolved by default, agreement of the parties, reset to a date after May 1, 2020, or the Court's decision based on the pleadings.
*All extend stay and impose stay motions will be granted by bridge order to May 1, 2020, and then will be heard after that date.
*All other chapter 13 hearings will be coordinated with the Chapter 13 Trustees.
3-16-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District: This notice provides the Court's updated telephonic hearing policies for each judge. All hearings for Judge Jones will be held telephonically or will be reset to a date after May 1, 2020.
3-18-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District: All 341 meetings scheduled thru April 10, 2020, are continued to a future date. Such meetings may proceed if needed telephonically or other alternative means.
3-9-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District: The Court's order sets forth –
*Scheduled hearings may be held telephonically by video or may be rescheduled. Parties and their counsel are responsible for monitor's their case and the Court's docket.
*Personal attendance at electronic hearings will not be permitted.
*All exhibits must be timely filed via ECF.
*Witnesses must appear by both audio and video connection. The Court will administer the oath to all witnesses. Subpoena compliance will be enforced.
*All lift stay matters should be self-calendared. Request for emergency hearing should be made to the clerk's office. All 341 meetings will be conducted electronically.
3-16-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District: This notice advised chapter 13 debtors to not appear in person at 341 meetings but instead should appear telephonically.
3-16-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District: All 341 meetings scheduled thru April 10, 2020, are continued to a future date. Such meetings may proceed if needed telephonically or other alternative means.
3-19-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District: The Court's order establishes a procedure for affected chapter 13 debtors to apply for a temporary reduction in plan payments. Such reduction procedure will end May 31, 2020. The Court will consider such requests on a case by case basis.
3-19-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District: Certain electronic (instead of wet ink) signatures will be accepted by the Court.
3-19-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District: All 341 meetings scheduled thru April 10, 2020, are continued to a future date. Such meetings may proceed if needed telephonically or other alternative means.
3-16-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Western District: All 341 meetings scheduled thru April 10, 2020, are continued to a future date. Such meetings may proceed if needed telephonically or other alternative means.
3-17- 20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Western District: Beginning March 23, 2020 and until further notice all court proceedings shall be telephonic. The notice provides the telephonic access information for each Bankruptcy Judge.
3-23-20 U.S. Bankruptcy Court Western District: Chapter 13 debtors who are impacted may seek a one 60 day time plan payment moratorium. The request must include the basis for the request, the impact on creditors, when the debtor will resume payments, and how the missed payments will be cured.