
Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. COVID-19 Florida Updates

Florida's Supreme Court Chief Justice signed a statewide order limiting  most face-to-face legal proceedings and suspending all grand jury proceedings, jury selection proceedings, and criminal and civil jury trials for a minimum of two weeks beginning Monday, March 16. 

Florida's Supreme Court Chief Justice signed a statewide order limiting  most face-to-face legal proceedings and suspending all grand jury proceedings, jury selection proceedings, and criminal and civil jury trials for a minimum of two weeks beginning Monday, March 16. The order authorizes local judges to use remote electronic means whenever possible and will be extended or modified as needed.   Duval County cancelled all hearings for two weeks while other counties, like Miami-Dade, closed the courthouse to the public.  The Chief Justice also suspended the requirement that notaries “…must be in the presence of witnesses for purposes of administering an oath for depositions and other legal testimony, so long as the notary or other qualified person can both see and hear the witness via audio-video communications equipment for purposes of readily identifying the witness.”

Supreme Court Order #AOSC20-13
Supreme Court Order #AOSC20-15
Supreme Court Order #AOSC20-16

