ALFN 2025 Events Speaker Interest Form
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Review the ALFN Speaker Selection Policy prior to completing this form (copy and paste the following link into your browser) -
This form explains who is eligible to speak at ALFN events, and how speakers are selected.
You may complete this speaker form at any point during the year; however, deadlines apply before each major ALFN event so please keep in mind your availability as substitutions from your organization will not be allowed. Submissions must be completed by each event's deadline listed below in order to be considered as a speaker for each event. ALFN Members must be current on all membership dues and fees to be considered. Non-ALFN Members (Law Firms, Foreclosure Trustees or Service Providers that aren't a member of the ALFN) will not be considered unless prior approval has been given by ALFN leadership.
We are looking to select individuals who are excellent public speakers, engaging and interactive with their presentations, entertaining and educational, and who are recognized experts in their field. Submitting your interest to be a speaker in no way guarantees selection and only those individuals selected as speakers will be notified. Please note that not every candidate will be selected and you may be offered speaking opportunities at various ALFN events. If you are selected as a speaker, you will be notified no less than 60 days prior to the scheduled event. If you are not selected to speak at an event, no notification will be given.
Event Dates & Form Deadlines:
- WILLPOWER - Women in Legal Leadership "WILL" Summit (April 23-24 - Omni PGA Frisco Resort, Frisco, TX) - Form Deadline February 4, 2025
- Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Awareness "IDEA" Summit (April 23-24 - Omni PGA Frisco Resort, Frisco, TX) - Form Deadline February 4, 2025
- ANSWERS - ALFN's Annual Conference (July 20-23 - Everline Resort, Olympic Valley, CA - Lake Tahoe) - Form Deadline Feb. 20, 2025
- INTERSECT (FC+BK) - ALFN's Annual Foreclosure & Bankruptcy Conference (Nov. 19, The Statler, Dallas, TX) - Form Deadline July 25, 2025
Speaker/Presenter Information
Company Name
Job Title
Email Address
ALFN Membership or Affiliation Type:
-- Please Select --
ALFN Law Firm/Foreclosure Trustee Member
ALFN Associate Member (Service Provider)
Bank/Lender (No Mortgage Servicing)
Chapter 13 Trustee
City or State Government Official/Employee
Consumer/Debtor Law Firm
Credit Union
Debt Buyer
Investor (Mortgage Servicing)
Investor (Real Estate or other)
Judicial Branch (Judge, Court Officials)
Mortgage Insurer
Mortgage Servicer
Non-ALFN Member (Debt Collections Firm)
Non-ALFN Member (Law Firm or Foreclosure Trustee)
Non-ALFN Member (Other)
Non-ALFN Member (Service Provider)
Non-Profit Association
Rating Agency
Regulatory/Oversight Agency
US Government Official/Employee
Are you a licensed and practicing attorney?
Select at least 1 response.
Yes; Please list which states (as abbreviations) you are licensed and currently practicing in.
If you are employed by a law firm or foreclosure trustee, list the states that your firm/company has a creditors rights practice in (list state abbreviations in alphabetical order).
Select the ALFN groups/committees that you are currently a member of (if none apply, select the None answer option below).
Select at least 1 response.
ALFN Board of Directors
Advocacy Committee
Amicus Briefs Committee
Bankruptcy Committee
Event Planning Committee
Inclusion Diversity Equity & Awareness (IDEA) Committee
Junior Professionals & Executives Group (JPEG) Committee
Servicer Advisory Board
Mentorship Committee
Women in Legal Leadership (WILL) Committee
Other (i.e. Task Force or other Special Committee). Provide additional details here.
Select the ALFN events listed below that you have participated at as a moderator or panelist (or have been selected to participate for upcoming events). If none apply, select the None answer option below.
Select at least 1 response.
ANSWERS July 2024 - Beaver Creek, CO
ANSWERS July 2025 - Lake Tahoe, CA
INTERSECT (FC+BK) November 2024 - Dallas, TX
INTERSECT (FC+BK) November 2025 - Dallas, TX
IDEA Summit May 2024 - Dallas, TX
IDEA Summit April 2025 - Frisco, TX
WILLPOWER Summit May 2024 - Dallas, TX
WILLPOWER Summit April 2025 - Frisco, TX
ALFN Webinars
Select the event(s) you are interested in speaking at and what your preferred level of involvement is. Leave blank or select "None" for those you aren't interested in speaking at, or if the event has already been held.
Other than the typical Moderator duties during your presentation, Moderators will have additional planning responsibilities including: Communicating with your session speakers and hosting conference calls to discuss details and deadlines for your groups presentation and topic, putting your groups presentation into the provided ALFN PowerPoint template, suggesting presentation styles and content, and working with the ALFN to successfully manage your session and materials. Please don't select the moderator designation unless you are able to commit to these additional duties.
Speaker Only
Moderator Only
Speaker or Moderator (no preference)
None (not interested or the event has passed)
IDEA Summit
If you selected to speak at multiple events, please select your first and second preferences below. Select N/A for Second Preference if you only selected one event in the question above. We try to provide speaking opportunities to as many interested members as we can. Given this, it may not be possible to include you as a speaker at multiple events in the same year, and we will do our best to assign you to your 1st or 2nd preferred event (should you be approved as a participant).
IDEA Summit
First Preference
Second Preference
Have you ever been involved with Toastmasters or any other similar groups or classes that assist with continuing to improve your public speaking abilities?
If you have spoken at an ALFN or other industry event in the last two years, please provide any details you are able to about the name of the event, topic that you presented on, and any feedback you received on your past presentations and speaking abilities (survey comments, speaker ratings, hosting organization comments, audience remarks). Respond with N/A if you haven't spoken at an ALFN or other industry event in the past few years.
Select your core competencies, where you are at an Expert level:
Select at least 1 response.
Appraisals & Valuations
Asset Management
Bankruptcy (Commercial)
Bankruptcy (Consumer)
Bankruptcy Trustee
Business Operations
CFPB Regulatory Compliance
Case Management Software
Complex Litigation
Consulting (Law Firms)
Consulting (Servicers)
Cyber Security
Credit Ratings
Debt Collection
Default Servicing Data & Trends
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Document Services
Economic Outlook/Market Trends
FDCPA Issues
Field Services
Foreclosure (Commercial)
Foreclosure (Residential)
Judicial Foreclosures
Non-Judicial Foreclosures
Government Affairs
GSE Guidelines
Hazard Claims
HOA Issues
HR Issues
Insurance (Professional & Executive Liability)
Investor Guidelines & Reporting
Investor Relations
Investments & MBS
Law Firm Audits
Law Firm Management
Legal Ethics
Legislative Issues
Lien Issues
Loss Mitigation
Marketing/Bus Dev
Mortgage Originations
Mortgage Servicing
Mortgage Servicing Software
Non-Judicial Foreclosures
Non-Judicial Foreclosure Trustee
Post-Foreclosure Issues
Property Preservation
Regulatory Compliance
Remote Work
Reverse Mortgages
Risk Management
Skip Trace/Service of Process
Staffing Solutions
Title Insurance
Title Issue Resolution
Vendor Management
Other areas of expertise, list here:
Please generally describe your top areas of expertise, those where you have expert level knowledge and feel most comfortable speaking on topics in these core areas.
Please provide the names of any companies or individuals that you WOULD NOT like to be selected to speak with (such as for panel presentations). This information is confidential for ALFN Staff reference only when assigning speakers.
Please provide a reference (name and email) that we can contact that can demonstrate how you have excelled not only at public speaking, but that you are in fact an expert at the core competencies you have listed above.
The terms and conditions of this agreement apply to any current and future ALFN events (in-person and online events and webinars) where you are selected as a speaker. A speaker role may include being a presenter, moderator, panelist, discussion leader or other similar role where you are actively speaking.
a. I agree to comply with all program-related deadlines provided to me by ALFN, including but not limited to deadlines for handouts, presentations, registration, A/V requests, etc.
b. During my presentation, I will not engage in any type of discussion on social or political issues that have not been previously approved by the ALFN, will not engage in promotional marketing or selling of any product or service, and I will not disparage ALFN or other members of ALFN in any way.
c. I agree to notify ALFN's program manager immediately in the event that an emergency should prevent me from meeting my obligation as a speaker.
d. I grant to ALFN a royalty-free license to use, reproduce and distribute my presentation (including all handouts and PowerPoint presentations) in any way in the future, with appropriate attribution to me. I understand that this license does not change the fact that I retain copyright ownership of my presentation, and does not prohibit me from using my presentation in any way or from allowing others to use it.
If you intend on using internal corporate information in your presentation that you do not allow to be distributed to attendees of the event, or included in any archived version, then please inform the ALFN's CEO of what information should not be shared that is part of your presentation, of which is considered internal corporate information.
e. I agree to use the PowerPoint and supplemental materials templates, as well as any logos or branding provided to me by ALFN for any PowerPoint presentation and/or materials I may utilize in connection with the program, and I agree not to use these templates and logos in any way except in connection with this ALFN program.
f. To the best of my knowledge, my presentation does not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others (including any copyright, trademark and privacy rights), is factually accurate, and contains nothing defamatory or otherwise unlawful. I have the full authority to enter into this agreement and have obtained all necessary permissions or licenses from any individuals or organizations whose material is included or used in my presentation.
g. I authorize ALFN to use my name, likeness, photograph, and biographical data in connection with the use and promotion of the program.
h. I give my consent for ALFN to record my presentation in audio and/or visual form, should ALFN choose to do so. I understand that ALFN is the sole copyright owner of the recording and can distribute and sell it, along with any supporting materials. Upon request, ALFN will provide me with one complimentary copy of the recording, which I may use for my personal, archival use (which use includes posting the recording on my website or using the recording in my marketing materials); however, I agree not to sell, distribute, or otherwise use the recording in any other way, except with the prior written consent of ALFN. I understand that any other recording of my presentation is expressly prohibited.
i. I will be responsible for all travel arrangements and expenses that I incur, unless special arrangements are needed and approved by the ALFN. I understand that I will not receive any royalties, honorarium, reimbursement of expenses, or other compensation from ALFN in connection with the program or the rights granted above, unless they are approved in writing by the ALFN.
Submit your abbreviated biography (include your headshot photo) using the format provided in the bio template at Your submitted bio, including contact info., headshot photo and bio info. should be no more than 1 page.
Please email your bio (with included headshot photo) using this template and format prior to the speaker form submission deadlines to, and list in the subject line: ALFN 2025 Speaker Interest Form Bio
This speaker form is not considered complete until your bio is received using the template provided. If you spoke at an ALFN event recently, then we will already have your bio on file, and we won't need another copy sent unless you have an updated version to provide.
Individuals selected to speak at an ALFN event will receive a 20% discount off of the full-priced registration fee. Promo codes will be distributed upon speaker selection. Speakers will be responsible for all travel arrangements and expenses that are incurred, and you will not receive any royalties, honoraria, reimbursement of expenses, or other compensation from the ALFN unless prior approval has been obtained from ALFN President & CEO in writing, or as part of an approved client scholarship.
Only speakers that are selected for each event will be notified (notified no less than 60 days prior to the event). If you are not selected to speak at an event, no notification will be given.
If you are selected as a speaker, that selection is for the specific individual that is named, and is not an opportunity for your firm or company to supply a different speaker at a later date. If you are unable to speak and need to cancel, you understand and agree that your firm or company will forfeit this speaking opportunity for the specific event that you are scheduled to speak for. You understand that no substitutions will be allowed and speakers are selected based on their individual merits.
Please type your full name in the box below indicating that you agree to the above Speaker Agreement, and all other terms and conditions provided in this speaker interest form and the speaker policy linked at the top of this form.